IV Vitamin Treatment

What you need to know about Vitamin treatments

IV nutrition therapy, also referred to a “Drip Therapy” or ” Vitamin Therapy”, is a quick, efficient and scientifically validated method of supplying your body with vital vitamins and minerals. 
Once used as a secret weapon by the rich and famous to combat and exhaustion, nowadays this treatment in available to all. Whether you are in need of an energy boost or simply want to experience an increased sense of wellbeing, we can create a personalized IV formulation that is safe and scientifically IV formulation that is safe and scientifically proven to deliver results.
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General effects of IVNT:

Since each client is unique, it is impossible to predict how your body will react to nutrients. Some individuals report feeling energized and more alert soon after their IV treatment, or some are feeling fatigued and having headaches and flu-like symptoms for the first 24 to 48 hrs after IV treatment because they are having a “detoxification” effect.  These individual may require 2 to 3 IV treatment sessions before they are starting to feel energised and alert. Basically, detoxification means cleansing the body and certainly a popular buzzword in he dieting word! Our body naturally eliminates toxins through liver, kidneys, intestine, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin during a body detox. The idea behind it is that we need to periodically clear the “toxic waste” from our body in order to stay healthy. In particular, we we might be tempted to detox after over-indulging a little, for example at Christmas. We offer broad range of treatment in our IV vitamin therapy clinic. These includes but not limited to energisers, fat burners, protein boosts in body building, vitamin and mineral deficiency, detoxification, skin brightening, Healthier hair and skin, stress fighters and much more!

IV Vitamin treatments procedure

If it is your first time to have vitamin therapy, make sure to have a consultation before starting your treatment. Your medical condition and health are the main topics to discuss. If you suffer from any medical condition, the safety of IV vitamin treatment needs to be discussed with your GP or consultant. If you are receiving care and treatment from another health care provider, it is important to inform them about your use of IV nutritional supplements.

For IV treatments, the procedure will take 45 minutes to one hour, however IM shots will only takes a few minutes. The procedure is similar to having a blood test at your GP’s office in terms relative safety and minimal discomfort from the needle insertion. The Side effects, if any, are usually rare or treatable with straightforward steps. You must seek urgent medical assistance if you experience sever allergic reaction though very rare, specially if you had oral vitamins or supplements in the past with no reactions.