Dermal Fillers

What you need to know about Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid (commonly referred to as HA) is the skin’s key ingredient to retain water. It is what gives our skins the gorgeous volume and elasticity! A slower rate of skin cell renewal with ageing results in decreased HA, collagen, and elastin production which ultimately thins the skin. The skin which lost volume will show classic sign of ageing, such as drooping, wrinkles, and fine lines. External factors like sun exposure, gravity, repetitive motion, diet, cigarette smoking, disturbed night sleeps, and stress contribute to the process too.
Dermal fillers add HA to the skin which restores volume and fills in fine lines, wrinkles, and hollows. As times goes on, the injected HA is naturally broken down and absorbs by body hence the need to repeat the treatment to achieve the same results after few months.
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Dermal Filler procedure

Dermal filler can be used in many different areas, so it is advisable to have a consultation before treatment. It is important to discuss the procedure and go over your expectations to make sure you understand the process and results, pre-care and after care.
Although you should anticipate some minor discomfort throughout the process, the injected areas will be made numb for your comfort using a topical, or local anesthetic agents.You will start to see the result from dermal fillers right away after your procedure, which is one of its advantages. That said, you should schedule your treatment well in advance of any important events you may need to attend as you can anticipate some swelling and mid-bruising in the days that follow.
Results will last several months, however, if you are unhappy with your new look, dermal fillers are completely reversible.

Before and after care

  • For 10 days prior to treatment, stay away from fish oil and vitamin E as these supplements will thin the blood and make bruising to happen or get worse.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 to 48 hours before and after your treatment.
  • If you are having a treatment before a big event, schedule it at least a week beforehand to make sure swelling or bruising if at all happened, have enough time to resolve.
  • Avoid hot beverages for 24 hours (no coffee, tea and etc.)
  • Avoid extreme temperature, direct sunlight, toning beds for at least seven days.
  • If having lip treatment, avoid any lip contact for 24 hours.